A Place Where Writing and Collaborative Arts Flourish

We wish to cultivate an inviting space for writers to discover and deepen their individual voices while honoring tradition and encouraging experimentation through interdisciplinary and hybrid creativity.  We believe poetry, writing, and the arts are at the heart of realizing and strengthening connections within communities and celebrating imagination. We welcome writers at all stages of artistic development to bring individual works and collaborations to life.

We are working to sponsor readings, discussions, performances, and a variety of cultural, civic, and craft workshops featuring community-based and nationally recognized writers and artists. We will house a library of poetry, fiction, drama, and creative non-fiction where our community can come together to enjoy the long-standing tradition of literary arts in Bucks County and the region.

Poet Laureate Community Projects 

Established in 2021 by a group of former Bucks County Poets Laureate, the PLCP is working to expand writing opportunities for all writers and collaborative artists in Bucks County and the greater Philadelphia region. Since Fall 2022, we have sponsored numerous creative writing workshops facilitated by established authors and open to writers of all levels of experience, as well as Open Mic opportunities for BCCC students, staff, and faculty. Future workshops, events, and opportunities are always in the works!